My Journey to Radical Joy! By Marsibil Mogensen

I am so thrilled and honored you are joining us on a journey to YOUR best life.  The journey that led me here has been bumpy at times and certainly very eventful but I am now in a place where I can truly say I am happier than I have every been and I want to inspire other women to find their ultimate joy and live their lives incorporating holistic health and wellness!

Just like so many other women, I lost much of myself in the hustle and bustle of family life for many years.  As women we are conditioned by society and our upbringing to prioritize our children, our spouses, our parents. Consequentially we risk losing our own identity and are often left feeling unfulfilled and lacking.

What I’ve learned in recent years (mostly the hard way) is that in order to be able to give your best to those you care about, you have to look after yourself first. I have also learned that I am enough and that my dreams and desires are not any less important than those of others. Guilt is not a feeling I indulge anymore and my life is so much better because of that!

Body, Mind, Spirit

About 6 years ago, I found myself overworked, overweight and overwhelmed. I had three young boys, a demanding job and a husband who was rarely home. A chance encounter with a photo showing an overweight woman, who much to my dismay turned out to be me, prompted my decision to take back control.

Initially, I hired a personal trainer to get me on track with exercise. Once I got used to moving again, I tackled my nutrition. As a highly educated Biologist, nutrition on a cellular level was very interesting to me and I quickly learned how to eat in a way that worked for me and was sustainable long term. My energy levels improved quickly and the excess weight came off within a few months. I even became a personal trainer and worked with people interested in improving their physical fitness. However, something was still missing.

What I neglected was to pay attention to my emotional and spiritual wellbeing. I was still playing the blame game and experienced a lot of anger and resentment over certain things in my life. I ended up becoming very depressed and at some point during this time my marriage crumbled and I was left a single mother for the second time. Shortly thereafter, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

Being sick really changed my perspective. After my surgery I had an awakening of sorts. A side affect from the pain medication I was given left me without vision for a week or so. I was so used to distracting myself from my own thoughts and emotional baggage by being busy and distracted that I hadn’t really been STILL for years. Initially, I was so restless and miserable but after a while something very fundamental shifted inside me. I realized that the only person with the power to transform my life was myself.

As I recovered, I began practicing Yoga and meditation more regularly. I started taking time out to be still and listen each day. I implemented a daily routine that involved affirmations and positive mindset practice. I realized that in order to be truly healthy, a balance in body, mind and spirit had to be achieved.

I started my own holistic health and wellness coaching practice to help women feel better in their bodies, learn to eat for health and move away from the diet, deprivation and desperation.

When I got the opportunity to join forces with Jennifer and Trudy in the Radical Joy Seeking Women’s Club it felt so aligned with my own passion and purpose. The opportunity to have a global impact and reach so many women on their journey to empowerment and personal growth is so exciting!

I believe that the path to our ultimate purpose in life is anything but a straight road and that most of us have multiple distractions and diversions along the way.  The key is to never stop moving forward and avoid becoming stagnant. Surrounding yourself with likeminded, positive women who will lift you up is one of the key aspects to reaching your potential and finding your passion. The Radical Joy Seeking Women’s Club is for YOU. It is YOUR time.

Peace, Love and HEALTH

Marsibil Mogensen

Aka Vikingsister

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