Saying YES to Radical Joy! By Jennifer Jimbere


I love learning and cannot wait to share with you!

People who know me would say I read like Google is going to crash. I do read all the time and am always taking courses to continually develop and hone my skills.

One of my favorite quotes is by Abraham Lincoln; “Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

The reason I love this quote is the wisdom within. 

Time spent in sharpening the axe may well be spared from swinging it.

I believe we are all creative, capable, wise and good and that our personal growth needs to be a priority if we are to become our best selves.

Working with individuals, teams and organizations to help them unleash strengths and maximize performance is what I am privileged to do.  We leverage a tool called the circle of personal perspective which helps to identify levels of satisfaction in all areas of our lives. 

Personally, I have always been quite happy with all areas, but one.

That one for me, is health.

I’ve always acquired more, been able to do more, been afforded promotions and have great confidence and courage.  I am blessed with a wonderful husband of almost 20 years. We had our healthy and handsome son and were not blessed with another through child birth, so we are now going through the process of an adoption for our second son who is with us from East Africa.

Throughout the years, my development and learning efforts were focused on leadership, team dynamics, change management, positive psychology and others. They were never focused on health and wellness.

It is time for me to find a way back to me and support others in doing the same. Like I do, if you feel well, nothing really makes you focus on health.

There are no immediate health concerns or doctor visits which have prompted the shift in focus for me. I just know that at times, I am sitting on the side lines and I do not want to be. That is not who I am! 

Alongside you, I am eager to take a journey to a JOY FILLED life. In all areas, without any limitations. I want it all. To have a circle of personal perspective that is rated with high satisfaction in all areas, including; spiritual, emotional, relationships, financial, professional, friendships and wellness.

The Radial Joy Seeking Women’s Club is an online community like no other. A place you can come to seek resources, inspiration, tips and kinship to focus on your mind, body and spirit.

Is it time to sharpen your axe? We all have at least one area in our life we would like to improve upon. Come join us to get support for yours! I feel a deep sense of gratitude to have this opportunity to positively influence the lives of women around the world, while also having the support I need to become my best self.

I am saying yes to me.

Are you ready to say yes to you?

Membership in The Radical Joy Seeking Women's Club is a fabulous way for you to take care of, and say yes to you! Join today and your first 7 days are free.  After that, you pay just $29 a month, to have access to coaching & training on Love * Health  * & Wealth *.    

Make it a great day, 

Jennifer Jimbere

Your Partner in Possibility


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