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One online community
Two Professional Coaches along with our special guest coaches on a variety of topics.
Seriously...What more can you ask for?
We know you're busy ~ 100's of emails a day and 1000's of articles and info.
Membership in the Radical Joy Seeking Women's Club is more than just access to information online. It's becoming a part of a community.
A community of women, eager to meet and connect with other like-minded women, make friends, swap stories, share experiences.
PLUS, you'll have access to 2 top-trained, certified, expert coaches, to ask & get your questions answered.
In addition, we interview other experts and authors from around the world and share their expertise with you as well!
Wouldn't it be nice to get what you need in one place anytime you'd like?
Once you are a member, you can have just that. Searchable access to lessons, exercises, coaching, books, interviews and anything else we think you might like! We follow our hearts and keep creating and searching for valuable content that you will love!
Your journey to joy starts here...
Try us out for 7 days, you may cancel at any time during your first week if it's not everything you hope for. After your first week, once you've fallen just as madly in love with us, as we are with you, your membership will continue and you will be billed just $49 per month.
Most coaches charge $100 per hour or more. Take advantage of your membership to ask the coaches questions and participate in our members-only private group.
Sign up now for your 7-day free trial, you won't be sorry!
We'll see you inside the Club!
xoxo Trudy & Jennifer